Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hey girl, you remind me of Robocop

Tonight, we bring you some of the best and brightest of OkCupid in recent days. A little mood music, shall we?

Let's jump right into the juicy stuff:

Cheap Beer Man: if I don't reply to your first three messages (which had been deleted), then I probably won't respond to the next two. But thank you for the brilliant revelation that cheap beer might not be the best beer.

Do you have a mind blowing question for me, sir? You seem to be questioning whether or not you have a question for me. Also, your use of the question mark emoji is intense and makes me fear what kind of question this will be... Deleted.

If he is asking what I think he is asking...


This delightful young man was not pleased that I did not divulge my mileage. The magical, whimsical world of online dating. I wonder how often that line works for him.

Maybe you do things differently in Australia and maybe I'm a bit of a grammar purist, but I can be a bit judgmental about adding extra letters to words. #nojudgment #actuallyallofthejudgment Secondly, I find your entrance interview demanding and uncreative. Go straight to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect any of my personal information.

And lastly.... the winner of this week's inbox challenge:

This 21-year-old child gets points for creativity but loses points for calling Josh Lyman "the guy from West Wing." An extra decade and more commanding knowledge of Sorkin, and you might have stood a chance, young sir.

A closing thought: a majority of these messages failed to pass through my message filters. OkCupid should do these boys a solid and let them know that A.) I can't see these terrible messages from the OkCupid app and  B.) There is automatic judgment (see what I did there?) on you not passing the filter. Be kind, OKC, and warn them of their imminent failure. 

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